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Refined Aerial:
The Future of
Drone Services

Revolutionizing the way we complete everyday tasks with cutting-edge drone technology.

Your Zero Carbon Solution.

Aeronautical Technology for Everyday Tasks

We are a team of drone experts that use state-of-the-art aeronautical technology to improve the way we complete everyday tasks.

Our drones are equipped with the latest technology to ensure impeccable reliability and efficiency.

Drones have revolutionized the agricultural industry by providing farmers with a bird’s-eye view of their crops and soil. By using drones, farmers can analyze their crops and soil with greater precision and efficiency, which can help them make more informed decisions about their land management practices. 

Drones are becoming increasingly popular for land management. They offer a cost-effective, efficient, and safe way to monitor land, analyze data, and make informed decisions about your land management.



Drones are changing the way we complete various tasks in  the industrial industry by providing a safer, more efficient, precise, and cost-effective approach to inspections, emissions testing, and mapping to name a few.



Drones are increasingly being used in both municipal and provincial sectors for a variety of applications such as.

  • Mosquito Population Management

  • Parks and Recreation Vegetation Management



Drone Inspecting a Flare.
DJI Agras T40 Drone

Unprecedented Capability. Impeccable Reliability.

Our drones provide businesses with unprecedented capability and impeccable reliability. We offer a wide range of services including aerial inspections, surveying, mapping, and application services. Our drones are equipped with state-of-the-art technology to ensure that businesses get the most out of our services.

Revolutionize Your Business with Refined Aerial

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your business improve efficiency and reduce costs with our cutting-edge drone technology.

DJI-M300-RTK Drone

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